Band of Brothers is a short series produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg in the same style as Saving Private Ryan. The ten part series is based on a true story follows a group of paratroopers, called Easy Company, through their training and their experience in WWII starting with D-day. Though the many battles the company engaged in are shown, such as D-day, the battle of the Bulge, and the taking of the crows nest, the series focuses more on the development of the soldiers as they struggle to survive and adapt to the harsh realities of war. This series follows true events, which means unlike other big series, lots of main characters are killed off. It's very interesting and even if you know your history well you still don't know exactly what's gonna happen next, who's gonna be hit with an artillery shell, or when they'll have to fend off another nighttime raid. The style of the cinematography is very direct, with a wide variety of close ups and wide angle shots, the series was beautifully shot and looks amazing today despite being made 14 years ago. The acting is phenomenal as well, you can really see the soldiers changing over the course of the war, and how much the loss of a friend affects the company's morale. All in all this is a great series that I would highly recommend to anyone.